Sara here (hmm I need to get other members of the household to write these updates…), I hope this post finds you in good health. The members of the Giggly Scribes had a blast at Holiday Faire.
Since Holiday Faire, Elliot and I have turned our attention to the backlog scroll we are due to complete this upcoming year. So far it is going well, the next step for it is the calligraphy, so we will have to rope Lady Eleanor for her talents. After that Gilding!
We introduced a friend to the joys of illumination and will see if they would like to join our merry little band. Also, we have heard from our long distance household member with the option to do a super secret fun commission project that has potential, so we will be gearing up to do research on that project as well.
So we are par for the course all Giggly and Wiggly here. 🙂 I have added more information on some members of the household, add photos to our portfolio, and made a page dedicated to our mascot, Mischief.
If I loose track of time, We wish you Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Int’l. Day for Abolition of Slavery, Happy Winter Solstice, Happy Finland Indep. Day, Happy Sinter Claus Day, and Happy New Year (yes, I am trying to cover all my bases (:  )!!