Happy New Year 2019!

A very merry Happy New Year!  We hope that this new year brings good fortune and good health to all.  Some of the family members got together for R&R playing D&D on New Year’s Day.

We have been busy scribbling away on our two assignments for Twelfth Night, completing research for a commission and working on a Kingdom Backlog scroll.  

Sara has revamped some of the technology on the backend of the website relating to image management and display. She has already updated the portfolio page and is working on the other images displayed throughout the site. 

November Update

Sara here (hmm I need to get other members of the household to write these updates…), I hope this post finds you in good health. The members of the Giggly Scribes had a blast at Holiday Faire.

Since Holiday Faire, Elliot and I have turned our attention to the backlog scroll we are due to complete this upcoming year. So far it is going well, the next step for it is the calligraphy, so we will have to rope Lady Eleanor for her talents. After that Gilding!

We introduced a friend to the joys of illumination and will see if they would like to join our merry little band. Also, we have heard from our long distance household member with the option to do a super secret fun commission project that has potential, so we will be gearing up to do research on that project as well.

So we are par for the course all Giggly and Wiggly here. 🙂 I have added more information on some members of the household, add photos to our portfolio, and made a page dedicated to our mascot, Mischief.

If I loose track of time, We wish you Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Int’l. Day for Abolition of Slavery, Happy Winter Solstice, Happy Finland Indep. Day, Happy Sinter Claus Day, and Happy New Year (yes, I am trying to cover all my bases (:  )!!

October Update

Sara here:

The Household has been meeting working on scribal arts and having some good old-fashioned bonding time this past month. We are working on making some bookmarks and notecard with envelopes to help raise money for the Scribes of the Canton of Sudentorre supply fund.

We are looking forward to working on our assignments for Holiday Faire.

Happy Birthday Stierbach!!

Happy 20th Birthday to Stierbach!

Happy Birthday to the Barony of Sacred Stone, too!

We had a great time at Stierbach’s Birthday! Award & Special scrolls went out.

Our youngest member made an award scroll for their mom, see the portfolio.  We have submitted a household badge at Pennsic. We will see if it passes *crosses fingers*.

Our Condolences to Aethelmearc

Our hearts go out to HRH Anna Leigh and their families and friends of HRH Titus. Our hearts go out to The Kingdom of Aethelmearc and its people.

While we did not know HRH Titus personally, we have experienced the kindness and love of the people he was to rule and it saddens our hearts that one of your people has passed. We look forward to enjoying your hospitality at Pennsic and hope we can join you in morning this loss and even maybe give you a shoulder to lean on while we visit.


Sara here- Sadly, I was so focused on making sure that I had all the MOL goodies for Ruby Joust, that I forgot to take photos of the scrolls that we had done for their Majesties. Thankfully one of the recipients is a low key member of the household and sister to one of our main illuminators. Another I was able to take photos of as Their Majesties were keeping it safe after the court it was awarded. The other may take a round or two of piggy-backing messages, but the recipient is aware that we would like a picture of it.

The youngest recipient was skipping down the aisle scroll in hand during court, their joy was definitely infectious. How many Hippocampus scrolls are illuminated by a teenager though? It was fun since the illuminator is an acquaintance of the honoree.

Once I have all the pictures and confirmation that the awards were awarded (for one), I will be adding them to the site.

Up next for the Giggly Scribes: Known World Herald & Scribal Symposium!!

Girls Rule and then there’s Ruby…

When the call came out for scroll assignments, the Ladies of the household could not resist answering. We took on two scroll assignments at first for Their Majesties. As we were finishing up those two and we had time to do to another, so I checked with Atlantia’s Clerk Signet. Lo and behold one scroll still had not found a scribe to create it, so we took on the challenge!  We finished two scrolls in one day and completed one that was started a week earlier.  One scroll was illuminated by our youngest member and it looks amazing! Another was Illuminated by our resident calligrapher, while the wrangler of monkeys did the calligraphy. The newest assigned scroll was tagged teamed by the three of us ladies working drafting was a team effort, then calligraphy by one and final inking and illumination by this silly ringleader.

So for the past two weeks the girls in the house rule! While the poor fellas of the household have been working hard mundanely, so they can hopefully spend time with us at events, like Ruby!

I’ll post photos next week after I have seen the scrolls given out at courts. Next up, after Ruby, for this Giggly, Wiggly household a road trip to Known World Herald & Scribal Symposium!! 🙂

Name Change!

So we are using the third incarnation of our name. Originally we were the Giggleswick Scribes of Wigglesworth, in order to submit a household name we needed to add Academy or some other approved word for the COH to pass it. Hence Giggleworth Academy of Scribe of Wigglesworth.

Well during the registration process we discovered that ‘of Scribes’ is not something that has been found used in period. So to have a registered name within the Society we play in, we are dropping it from the registration paperwork.  So our 3rd and new name is: Gigglesworth Academy of Wigglesworth. Since we have cards printed up with the second name we will still be using it, why not give people the giggle?


Sara Here: Sadly, We have been taking a break from scribaling. Mainly due to illness… (sorry gang)!

We will be getting back together shortly to start working on our backlog and commissioned scrolls. Then it will be time for a road trip to Known World Heraldry & Scribal Symposium!  My poor housemates have no idea what I plan to put on the car entertainment system as we travel (evil laughter)!!!  After we study and learn much from KWHSS, we will probably get started making scrolls for Pennsic & Stierbach BB.

Defending the Gate 2018

Tatsuko here. I have posted photos of the scrolls we have created for Defending the Gate on our portfolio. At Defending the Gate we were reunited with one of our wayward lambs and are happy to be bringing him back into the Giggly Fold. 🙂

I have also posted our Poem, which the scroll for it is still in the works.

Now time to start making some progress on a commission piece, some scroll blanks and a backlog scroll!