Sara Here: Kingdom A & S was a blast! We received a lot of encouraging feedback and smiles. Laurels left us tokens to let us know we inspire them (thank you all).
Two of the 3 of us that were at KASF were at the event with non-contagious illnesses (we are better or are on the way to being better; thanks). Our newest member, Elliot, sat and worked on illuminating their first scroll (the household poem) and hung out with friends, while Lady Eleanor utilized her combat calligraphy skills to help out Her Highness, as requested. Sara sat and manned the table.
Once the Poem scroll is finished, we will be posting images of it along with our little household poem.
So, for now, we are preparing two scrolls for Their Excellencies of Stierbach for Defending the Gate. Images of these scrolls will be up once awarded.